San Diego had to share the movie reel with Phoenix and so the next show in San Diego was scheduled only 3 days later. As the second show was to be screened in a much bigger theatre with stadium seating, a number of us had planned to watch the 2nd show. We had to go through a gruelling 3-day waiting session before we could get a glimpse of our thalaivar.
Slowly the big day arrived. We had already been to the premiere event just to experience the Rajini phenomenon without actually watching the movie that day. Having seen the celebration, we decided to have a bigger and a louder one. We w

As the trailers of Sultan (An animated movie of Rajinikanth set to release in 2008) hit the screen, the crowd was not able to control their emotions. By the time, the titles rolled with the inimitable fashion 'SUPERSTAR RAJINI', the theatre almost resonated with the noise the modest 250+ crowd generated. This was an experience like no other and only Superstar could generate such energy levels in the audience. For the next 3 hours, we were treated with pure Rajini magic and sheer high-quality entertainment. Director Shankar made sure that each frame looked like a scene out of a glossy high-resolution post card. The rich imagery, with a rocking A.R.Rahman score scorched the cinema hall. Staff at the Edwards cinema hall walked in to catch a quick glimpse, but never moved a muscle after that. Their eyes were glued to the screen and were amazed at our thalaivar's screen presence and the electrifying atmosphere we generated. It was a cracker of an experience and seemed like Diwali just got over looking at the number of papers strewn all over the place. At the end of the show, we felt many years younger and were gleaming with energy.
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Ippadi sonna athuruthu illa...
manasu ;)
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hey nathari passangala...
pudichin da... comment koodu..
or else wait at the office room ..>:)
I heard about this show from my friends who were there too. Sounds like you all had a great time. I missed getting tix for that show..too bad! I was looking forward to this. :)
Yeah, we had a blast. Hope you had a chance to watch one of the other shows.
I was one among them who watched Rajini, The Terror on the very first day when it hit San Diego Screens.
Thanks for article!
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Illinois Election Results 2010: Special congratulations to all the winners.
Will County Boxing Supporters include;
Secretary of State Jesse White, Superintendant of Schools Jennifer Bertino, Will County Clerk Nancy Voots Schultz, Senator AJ Wilhelmi, and Will County Sherriff Paul Kaupas
All our supporters won!
Thanks to all the Will County Boxers and family members who voted.
Train with Joseph Awinongya at the Will County Boxing Gym
Call (877) 806-4611 or (630) 219-1076
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Никто не знает, где можно позаниматься пилатосом или же калланетикой в том районе.
Конечно же хотелось бы, для того порекомендовали групповые занятия с каким-нибудь неплохим тренером (не в плане квалификации, мне ненепременно, для того он мастером спорта был... а просто неплохим тренером, небезразличным к своим "подопечным).
+ хотелось бы, для того это было не очень дорого (не больше 500 руб. за занятие).
Заранее спасибо всем большое!:)
Osumanu Adama
UIC Pavillion Fight Night 14 December 17, 2010 7:00 PM Osumanu Adama vs Angel Hernandez.
Attending: Azumah Nelson, former Ghana boxer and three-time world champion.
12 round Middleweight showdown for the IBO Middleweight Championship Title between hard punching Ghana West African banger Osumanu Adama (17-2) 13 KO's, now residing in Joliet Il, and contender Angel Hernandez (30-8) 17 KO's.
A professional for Nine years, Adama is best known for his blazing quick speed and show stopping right blast that sends his opponent crashing to the canvas.
Osumanu's Record-
The 29 year old Adama was voted Best Amateur Boxer of the year in 2000-Ghana. Amateur boxing background- 47-3 amateur record. Tournaments in Turkey,Spain(Silver medalist), Indiana Black Expo 2000. Was in the Ghana National Team 1999, African Games 1999 Silver Medalist, Olympic Games in Sydney 2000-(Last amateur fight in Sydney before turning pro). Professional record 19-2. Two times Lt. Middleweight African Champion ABC & ABU and Middleweight ABU Champion.
Adama's Titles Won:
" Ghanaian Light Middleweight
" Ghanaian Middleweight
" West African Light Middleweight
" West African Middleweight
" African Boxing Union Middleweight
Joseph Awinongya- former prized professional fighter, named the "Ringmaster" by Chicago Sun-Times, is the owner/trainer of the Will County Boxing Gym. He is helping many learn the art of boxing. Joseph is thankful to his former promoter Don King for giving him an opportunity to find his strengths. Now, he is giving that chance to many others. Will County Boxing Gym has over 400 members and offers boxing classes for every skill level. It is open to professional fighters, amateur boxers and boxing beginners. He trains professional boxers including Osumanu Adama, Mike Mollo with 8 Count Promotions, and many more.
For Interviews or more information contact:
Joseph Awinongya
Will County Gym
557 Scott St
Joliet, Illinois 60432
Related Terms: Boxing Training, IBO Title Vacant, Vacant Title Boxing, Boxing classes, Boxing show Illinois, boxing event Chicago, 8 Count Promotions, Azumah Nelson
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